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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2022

The Rhodesian War : A Military History (0811707253)

- The vicious conflict (1964-79) that brought Robert Mugabe to power in Zimbabwe - Expert coverage of the war, its historical context, and its aftermath - Descriptions of guerrilla warfare, counterinsurgency operations, and actions by units like Grey's Scouts Amid the colonial upheaval of the 1960s, Britain urged its colony in Southern Rhodesia (modern-day Zimbabwe) to grant its black residents a greater role in governing the territory. The white-minority government refused and soon declared its independence, a move bitterly opposed by the black majority. The result was the Rhodesian Bush War, which pitted the government against black nationalist groups, one of which was led by Robert Mugabe. Marked by unspeakable atrocities, the war ended in favor of the nationalists. Product details Format ...

Ruby's Worry : A Big Bright Feelings Book (9781408892152)

A reassuring and sensitive book - the perfect springboard for talking to children about sharing their hidden worries. From the Big Bright Feelings series by Tom Percival Be open, be honest, be you! Big Bright Feelings for little people. 'If your child has a worry - and all children do have worries - this is the ideal book to encourage them to talk about it' Parents In Touch Ruby loves being Ruby. Until, one day, she finds a worry. At first it's not such a big worry, and that's all right, but then it starts to grow. It gets bigger and bigger every day and it makes Ruby sad. How can Ruby get rid of it and feel like herself again? A perceptive and poignant story that is a must-have for all children's bookshelves. From Tom Percival's bestselling Big Bright Feelings series, this is the perfect book for discussing childhood worries and anxieties, no matter how big or small they may be. Product details ...

Repairing the Ruins : The Classical and Christian Challenge to Modern Education (9781885767141)

As parents, it is easy for us to look back and see the shortcomings of our own education. Since many of us were taught in public schools, we often have a pretty good idea of what we don't want our children to learn. But what exactly should we give them instead? The authors of Repairing the Ruins, a group of experienced teachers and schools administrators, faced this same question when they first embarked on the journey of education. They found a tried and true answer in classical Christian education. Here they explain what makes classical Christian education different from modern methods and why it offers a distinctly Christian alternative. Building upon this foundation, the authors provide parents with the "Whys and Hows" of the Trivium, tips on planning curriculum, wisdom in designing education to serve the heart as well as the mind, and advice on starting up schools. For all who have ever wondered where to begin with their children's education, Repairing the Ruins...

Irreversible Damage : The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters (9781684512287)

NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF 2021 BY THE TIMES AND THE SUNDAY TIMES Until just a few years ago, gender dysphoria--severe discomfort in one's biological sex--was vanishingly rare. It was typically found in less than .01 percent of the population, emerged in early childhood, and afflicted males almost exclusively. But today whole groups of female friends in colleges, high schools, and even middle schools across the country are coming out as "transgender." These are girls who had never experienced any discomfort in their biological sex until they heard a coming-out story from a speaker at a school assembly or discovered the internet community of trans "influencers." Unsuspecting parents are awakening to find their daughters in thrall to hip trans YouTube stars and "gender-affirming" educators and therapists who push life-changing interventions on young girls--including medically unnecessary double mastectomies and puberty blockers that can cause permane...

Warriors : Fighting men and their uniforms (9781472812971)

From ancient times to the present day, the world's finest warriors have been marked out by a stunning variety of dress, tactics and equipment. This splendid collection of artwork and commentaries illustrates 100 of the most famous combatants from all the ages of military history, bringing them to life in incredible colour and detail. From the gleaming plate armour of the Roman Legionaries to the sleek gear of modern special ops forces, from the magnificent attire of Seminole warriors to the special equipment of the US Navy SEALs, this is an unmissable tour of history's most impressive fighting men. Product details Format Hardback | 320 pages ...

Eine Bewertung der Polemik "Bescheidener Vorschlag zum Schutze der Jugend vor den Erzeugnissen der Poesie von Hans Magnus Enzensberger nach Dieter Lamping und Peter von Matt (9783656173199)

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Note: 2,0, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Hans Magnus Enzensberger wurde 1929 in Kaufbeuren geboren und zählt neben Günther Grass zu den renomiertesten deutschsprachigen Autoren der Gegenwart. Besonders bekannt ist er für seine Lyrik in polemischer Manier. Als bedeutender Essayist hat er auch diese vierte Gattung aufgewertet. Die hier zu behandelnde Polemik "Bescheidener Vorschlag zum Schutz der Jugend vor den Erzeugnissen der Poesie" wurde erstmals in der Presse und damit am zentralen Ort des Bürgertums veröffentlicht. In dieser Arbeit wird zunächst die Frage behandelt, wie man eine Polemik definieren könnte und welche Merkmale sie außerdem aufweisen sollte, um als literarische Kontroverse ernst genommen zu werden. Diesbezüglich betrachten wir die Texte "Grandeur und Elend literarischer Gewalt. Die Regeln der Polemik" von Peter ...

The Devil and Philosophy : The Nature of His Game (9780812698541)

In The Devil and Philosophy, 34 philosophers explore questions about one of the most recognizable and influential characters (villains?) of all time. From Roman Polanski's The Ninth Gate to J. R. R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion to Bram Stoker's Dracula to Darth Vader to Al Pacino's iconic performance in The Devil's Advocate, this book demonstrates that a little devil goes a long way. From humorous appearances, as in Kevin Smith's film Dogma and Chuck Palahniuk's novels Damned and Doomed, to more villainous appearances, such as Gabriel Byrne's cold outing as Satan in End of Days, The Devil in Philosophy proves that the Devil comes in many forms. Are there any good arguments for the actual existence of the Devil? Does demonic evil thrive in Gotham City? Can humans really be accountable for all evil? Which truths about the Devil are actual facts? Is Milton correct, in that the Devil believes he is doing good? Through the lenses of Jung, Kant, Kundera, ...

The Dominance Playbook : Ways to Play With Power in Scenes and Relationships (9780937609903)

In The Dominance Playbook, kink educator and lifelong power exchange fanatic Anton Fulmen builds on the fundamentals he established in The Heart of Dominance to explore beyond the basics of dominance and submission in both scenes and relationships. The Playbook includes inspiration and practical advice for a wide range of power exchange practices: administering effective punishments, providing useful service, navigating the delicate territory of sexual objectification, and other fulfilling but sometimes tricky areas of kink. You'll find invaluable guidance for creating an intense evening of power exchange play, and also for weaving power exchange into the fabric of a long term relationship - in ways that are exciting, fulfilling and sustainable for everyone. Product details Format ...

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit : And Its Impact on World History (0929891074)

Spanning over 2,000 years, this study looks at the complex relationship between Jewish and Catholic thought from a social and historical perspective. Examining different significant moments for both religions throughout the centuries, this book analyzes and explains the conflicts that have arisen between the two religions since their beginnings. Product details Format Hardback | 1200 pages Dimensions 155 x 231 x 58mm ...

Alfonso y Ena : la boda del siglo : génesis y apoteosis de un gran amor fracasado (9788491646198)

El 31 de mayo de 1906, la monarquía española echó la casa por la ventana para celebrar la boda del rey Alfonso XIII con la princesa Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg, conocida por todos como Ena. Los dos jóvenes se habían enamorado la primera vez que se vieron en la corte inglesa y nada pudo interponerse a su flechazo: ni la fuerte oposición de los miembros más convencionales de la casa real británica y de los miembros más tradicionales de la Iglesia y la política españoles, ni el problema que suponía el escaso rango dinástico de la novia, considerado a todas luces insuficiente para el rey de España. El corto noviazgo de menos de un año, entre cartas y algunos breves encuentros en Inglaterra o Biarritz, no sirvió para que ambos se conocieran mejor pero sí para aumentar su pasión. Durante las magníficas y coloristas celebraciones, el pueblo salió a las calles con un fervor inusitado, y los representantes de la nobleza española, la realeza extranjera y las legaciones diplomáticas llegados ...