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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

Organizational Behavior, Global Edition (9781292259239)

For undergraduate and graduate courses in organizational behavior. Help students apply OB concepts The world's most successful Organizational Behavior textbook provides the research you want, in the language your students understand. This text makes current, relevant research come alive for readers. The 18th Edition reflects the most recent research and business events within the field of organizational behavior, while maintaining its hallmark features -- a clear writing style, cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy. There's a reason why Robbins's textbooks have educated millions of students and have been translated into 20 languages -- and it's because of a commitment to provide engaging, cutting-edge material that helps students understand and connect with organizational behavior. Also available with MyLab Management By combining trusted authors' content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves r...

The Big Short : Inside the Doomsday Machine (9780393338829)

The real story of the crash began in bizarre feeder markets where the sun doesn't shine and the SEC doesn't dare, or bother, to tread: the bond and real estate derivative markets where geeks invent impenetrable securities to profit from the misery of lower- and middle-class Americans who can't pay their debts. The smart people who understood what was or might be happening were paralyzed by hope and fear; in any case, they weren't talking. Michael Lewis creates a fresh, character-driven narrative brimming with indignation and dark humor, a fitting sequel to his #1 bestseller Liar's Poker. Out of a handful of unlikely-really unlikely-heroes, Lewis fashions a story as compelling and unusual as any of his earlier bestsellers, proving yet again that he is the finest and funniest chronicler of our time. Product details Format ...

Digital Compositing with Blackmagic Fusion : Essential Techniques (9781138668270)

Create complex composites with Blackmagic Fusion. Learn the basics of node-based compositing and get up to speed quickly so you can undertake your own compositing projects. In Digital Compositing with Blackmagic Fusion: Essential Techniques, industry veteran Lee Lanier covers the most important components, tools, and workflows any serious compositor needs to know. Practice your knowledge and skill as you read the book with the included mini-tutorials and longer chapter tutorials. An accompanying eResource features video image sequences, 3D renders, and other tutorial materials, allowing you to immediately practice the discussed techniques. Critical topics in this book include: Tool / Node networks Color space and color channels Transformations Masking and rotoscoping Keyframing and animation splines Green screen keying The Fusion 3D environment Color grading and color manipulation Filter tools Motion tracking Particle simulation Stereoscopic workflow ...

La Ansiedad En La Relacion : Como la ansiedad arruina las relaciones y por que necesitas dejar de sentirte inseguro y apegado al amor. (9798635387887)

Si quieres dejar de lado la ansiedad y abrazar una relación amorosa, aunque nunca hayas podido hacerlo antes, entonces sigue leyendo... ¿Me quiere de verdad o sólo está fingiendo? ¿Y si hago algo malo? ¿Y si nunca encuentro a la persona adecuada para mí? Los pensamientos ansiosos y la preocupación constante plagan las relaciones y amenazan con separar a dos personas antes de que puedan experimentar la maravilla del amor. Ya sea que hayas vivido con ansiedad toda tu vida o que los eventos recientes hayan despertado inseguridades subyacentes, no tienes que aceptar que el resto de tu vida será así. Puedes recuperar el control y sacar la ansiedad. Si estás cansado de vivir en un estado constante de pánico, cansado de analizar todo lo que hace tu pareja para determinar si se va a ir, y abrumado con la carga de llevar el valor de las preocupaciones de una relación sobre tus hombros, es hora de dejar de lado tu miedo. Te mereces una relación amorosa y satisfactoria en la que la ansiedad no ju...

How to Turn Your Woman into a Raving Nymphomaniac : For Men Only (9780989553223)

Women are complicated. They really, truly are. Ask any guy, he will tell you. However, us men can influence women. We can turn them into great lovers. We can turn them into nymphomaniacs! This book shows you how. Part of the reason women are complicated is they are ruled by their hormones at least half of the hours of their lives. These hormones influence their behavior so strongly that at times men would swear they act like at least two different girls in one body. By using the techniques in this book, you, Dear Reader, will be able change their hormone cascade to make them a caring mother and wife at one time and then a raging sex goddess at another. Guys rule! With this book in your back pocket, your life will be perfect! And your girl will be smiling every hour of every day. Sorry to tell you this, guy, but women need sex far more than men do. It is like a big secret. If men knew how easy it was to turn women into mindless sex machines, women would be at the mercy of any man they m...

Diagnostico algoritmico de signos y sintomas: un abordaje coste-efectivo (9788416004089)

Esta obra de consulta recoge los síntomas más frecuentes en la consulta general, por orden alfabético. Se estructura de la siguiente manera: Cada síntoma se introduce presentando un caso clínico muy corto.Siguen cuatro o cinco preguntas clave que hay que formular al paciente para acotar el posible diagnóstico. Se justifica la relevancia diagnóstica de la pregunta.Apartado de "Chequeo diagnóstico" en el que se indican las pruebas que hay que realizar al paciente y si hay que consultar a un especialista.En página encarada se presenta un esquema muy sencillo y resumido que, siguiendo una serie de pasos, permite llegar al diagnóstico correcto por descarte, a partir de los signos y los síntomas (diagnóstico diferencial).El objetivo del texto es fomentar el aprendizaje, que el estudiante aprenda a realizar diagnósticos aplicando sólo la información necesaria de los extensos conocimientos adquiridos sobre los trastornos y realizar diagnósticos en la consulta del médico de familia o ...

Reframing Healthcare : A Roadmap for Creating Disruptive Change (9781599328980)

Dr. Zeev Neuwirth wrote Reframing Healthcare for leaders and organizations interested in understanding what the disrupters in healthcare are doing and, more to the point, for those who want to be the disrupters rather than the disrupted. This book is a step-by-step guide for leadership teams that are intent on improving healthcare at an accelerated pace. It's written for healthcare organizations that wish to thrive in a customer-centric, community-oriented, value-based healthcare system. This book provides an assessment of the market forces, mega-trends and reframes that are transforming the healthcare market, and delivers a replicable and scalable roadmap for creating better healthcare. Product details Format Hardback Dimensions ...

Evolve Level 3 Student's Book (9781108405270)

EVOLVE is a six-level English course that gets students speaking with confidence. Drawing on insights from language teaching experts and real students, this Level 3 (CEFR B1) Student's Book covers all skills and focuses on the most effective and efficient ways to make progress in English. Each of the 12 units in the book features Time to speak, a lesson where decision-making and problem-solving tasks enable speaking to thrive. Optional mobile phone activities help create personalized learning experiences. Product details Format Paperback | 176 pages Dimensions 217 ...

Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot (1572814136)

A vibrant recolored version of the original Rider-Waite(R) Tarot deck. This fully illustrated 78-card deck gives a new radinace and depth to the most cherished, popular tarot deck in the world. Include booklet. Product details Format Cards Dimensions 70 x 121 x 32mm | 249g Publication date 01 Oct 2003 Publisher ...

Prüfungscoach mündliche Heilpraktikerprüfung (3794530586)

Sie haben den Stoff gelernt, sind seit Wochen mit den Fakten vertraut. Doch in der Situation der mündlichen Prüfung ist alles anders: Jetzt muss man das viele Wissen in ganzen Sätzen verständlich wiedergeben, das Wesentliche hervorheben und direkt auf die Fragen der Prüfer reagieren. Machen Sie sich schon vorher mit Frageformen, Abläufen und Inhalten der amtsärztlichen Prüfung vertraut! Konkrete Hilfestellung gibt Ihnen das Buch von Christopher Thiele, der in seiner Heilpraktikerschule schon Hunderten von Anwärtern den Weg zum Heilpraktiker-Beruf bereitet hat. Echte Prüfungsfragen mit originalen Antworten und Kommentaren simulieren die Realität der mündlichen Prüfung. Verständlich und schulenübergreifend handelt Thiele prüfungsrelevante Themen wie aktuelle Gesetzeskunde, Untersuchungsabläufe, häufig gefragte Krankheitsbilder und Laborparameter ab. Immer häufiger werden dem Kandidaten so genannte Schnittbilder gezeigt, deren Strukturen es zu benennen gilt. In diesem Buch werden sie samt...

Inside the Business of Graphic Design : 60 Leaders Share Their Secrets of Success (1581152574)

Inside the Business of Graphic Design casts a precise and realistic light on the risks, requirements, and rewards of running a creative and successful design business. Six sections discuss the entire cycle of business ownership, including goal setting, finding the right management style, cooperating with employees, triggering growth, rethinking one's business in the face of major changes, and even whether to stay with the business or move on. Whether you dream of setting up a small studio, or whether you've been on your own for years, this provocative guide is an important source of success strategies for every graphics professional. Product details Format Paperback | 312 pages ...

Theory of Games and Economic Behavior : 60th Anniversary Commemorative Edition (0691130612)

This is the classic work upon which modern-day game theory is based. What began more than sixty years ago as a modest proposal that a mathematician and an economist write a short paper together blossomed, in 1944, when Princeton University Press published Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. In it, John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern conceived a groundbreaking mathematical theory of economic and social organization, based on a theory of games of strategy. Not only would this revolutionize economics, but the entirely new field of scientific inquiry it yielded--game theory--has since been widely used to analyze a host of real-world phenomena from arms races to optimal policy choices of presidential candidates, from vaccination policy to major league baseball salary negotiations. And it is today established throughout both the social sciences and a wide range of other sciences. This sixtieth anniversary edition includes not only the original text but also an introduction by Harold K...

Liebesschwüre für die Hochzeit (3491450764)

»Werde alt mit mir!Denn das Beste kommt noch.«Robert Browning Über 1000 Liebesschwüre und Gelöbnisse zum schönsten Tag im Leben, für Jubiläen und erneute Versprechen, mit Hochzeitsritualen aus aller Welt. Ein ideales Verlobungs- und Hochzeitsgeschenk. Ewige Liebe, Treue und Freundschaft: Die Versprechen, die man am Hochzeitstag gibt, gehören vielleicht zu den ernsthaftesten, die man im ganzen Leben leistet. Von Herzen kommende Empfindungen, große Gefühle, die oft nur schwer in Worte zu fassen sind.Dieses Buch berücksichtigt alles, was man am Hochzeitstag und später bei Jubiläen vielleicht zum Ausdruck bringen will. Es gibt außerdem Einblick in eine ganze Reihe altehrwürdiger Bräuche und Traditionen, wie Paare anderer Kulturen in der ganzen Welt ihren großen Tag begehen. In welchem Stil auch immer man heiraten will: Diese Sammlung von nahezu 1000 traditionellen und modernen Liebesschwüren, Dichterworten und Gelöbnissen kann vielleicht dabei helfen, aufrichtige Gefühle am glücklichsten ...

Beowulf Monster Slayer (A British Legend) (082258512X)

Beowulf is a brave and mighty warrior, known to have the strength of thirty men. At home in Geatland, Beowulf hears about the terrible troubles of his father's friend, Hrothgar, the king of the Danes. Hrothgar's land is plagued by Grendel, a vicious monster who attacks the Danes by night. Beowulf sets sail to aid Hrothgar and the Danes. But is Beowulf strong enough to slay the monstrous Grendel? And even if he succeeds, what other dangers lie ahead for the warrior-hero? Product details For ages 9-12 Format Paperback | 48 pages Dimensio...

Gundermann - Die Musik zum Film (3944058879)

Mehr als ein Dutzend Lieder von Gundermann hat Alexander Scheer für den Kinofilm komplett neu eingesungen, auf kongeniale Weise unterstützt von einer Band, die lange Jahre gemeinsam mit Gisbert zu Knyphausen auf Konzertbühnen und in Studios stand. Zusammen greifen sie behutsam Gundermanns poetische Kraft, Geist und Haltung auf, folgen und modulieren deren Kern und finden dafür klare, durchsichtige Arrangement und Sounds. Das Ergebnis ist herzzerreißend wie herzerwärmend in einem. Man wird es sehen und hören. Auch als Doppelalbum geplant! Product details Format CD-Audio | 1 pages Dimensions 124 ...

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle : The Sunday Times Bestseller and Winner of the Costa First Novel Award (9781408889510)

Can you solve the mystery of Evelyn Hardcastle? WINNER OF THE COSTA FIRST NOVEL AWARD WINNER OF THE BOOKS ARE MY BAG NOVEL AWARD A WATERSTONES THRILLER OF THE MONTH SHORTLISTED FOR THE SPECSAVERS NATIONAL BOOK AWARDS SHORTLISTED FOR THE BRITISH BOOK AWARDS DEBUT OF THE YEAR LONGLISTED FOR THE THEAKSTON OLD PECULIER CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR Gosford Park meets Groundhog Day by way of Agatha Christie and Black Mirror - the most inventive story you'll read Tonight, Evelyn Hardcastle will be killed ... Again It is meant to be a celebration but it ends in tragedy. As fireworks explode overhead, Evelyn Hardcastle, the young and beautiful daughter of the house, is killed. But Evelyn will not die just once. Until Aiden - one of the guests summoned to Blackheath for the party - can solve her murder, the day will repeat itself, over and over again. Every time ending with the fateful pistol shot. The only way to break this cycle is to identify the killer. But each time the day begins again...

The Crowning Venture : Inspiration from Women Who Have Memorized the Quran (0999299034)

If you've ever sighed wistfully upon hearing of someone memorizing the Quran, wishing it was something you could do, too, then prepare to replace that wistfulness with determination! Filled with inspirational stories for your heart and memorization techniques for your mind, The Crowning Venture reminds us that memorizing the Quran is not an achievement to be conquered, it's a journey to savor. A journey YOU can make. Product details Format Paperback | 156 pages Dimensions 140 x 216 x 9mm ...

Stimson's Introduction to Airborne Radar (9781613530221)

Completely modernized, greatly expanded, but retaining all the magic of the 2nd edition, Introduction to Airborne Radar has been brought into the 21st century without losing the hallmarks that made George Stimson's previous editions unique. Every chapter has been updated to reflect the constant transformations in radar technology and end-of-chapter exercises have also been added, improving its employment as a textbook. Over 100 radar and EW experts from around the world were involved in reviewing, writing, and editing this book, each one a longtime user of the previous editions. Each one of them was tasked with making sure this third edition lives up to its legacy of 'Introduction.' Stimson's is written specifically as an overview without going overboard on the math. Virtually anyone with a knowledge of high school algebra, trigonometry, and physics will be able to read and absorb the vast majority of the material. The first 17 chapters provide fundamentals that can ...

The Unwelcome Visitor : The Sunday Times Bestseller (9781529384567)

'Though we have come a long way this crippling, debilitating, often terminal illness is still shockingly misunderstood. This is my story that you have asked me to tell. Those who suffer from depression will understand and those who don't will hopefully learn how to.' TV favourite Denise Welch opens up about her ongoing journey with mental health. This is her story of living with depression for over 30 years, what it has taught her, and the help and advice she can offer to others. This is the book that Denise Welch wished for as she found herself exhausted and defeated after yet another visit from The Unwelcome Visitor - the name she gives to the episodes of clinical depression she has suffered from over the past 30 years. For so many understanding their mental health is a leap into the unknown, and they are left grappling with the physical and emotional fallout without any guidance or someone to tell them 'you're not alone and you can live a happy and successful...

La Ansiedad En La Relacion : Como la ansiedad arruina las relaciones y por que necesitas dejar de sentirte inseguro y apegado al amor. (9781801133692)

Si quieres dejar de lado la ansiedad y abrazar una relación amorosa, aunque nunca hayas podido hacerlo antes, entonces sigue leyendo... ¿Me quiere de verdad o sólo está fingiendo? ¿Y si hago algo malo? ¿Y si nunca encuentro a la persona adecuada para mí? Los pensamientos ansiosos y la preocupación constante plagan las relaciones y amenazan con separar a dos personas antes de que puedan experimentar la maravilla del amor. Ya sea que hayas vivido con ansiedad toda tu vida o que los eventos recientes hayan despertado inseguridades subyacentes, no tienes que aceptar que el resto de tu vida será así. Puedes recuperar el control y sacar la ansiedad. Si estás cansado de vivir en un estado constante de pánico, cansado de analizar todo lo que hace tu pareja para determinar si se va a ir, y abrumado con la carga de llevar el valor de las preocupaciones de una relación sobre tus hombros, es hora de dejar de lado tu miedo. Te mereces una relación amorosa y satisfactoria en la que la ansiedad no ju...

Schritte International neu : Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch A2.2 mit CD zum Arbeitsbuch (3196010848)

Libro de alumno y ejercicios + CD-Audio (libro de Product details Format Mixed media product | 204 pages Dimensions 210 x 279 x 17mm | 595g Publication date 07 Apr 2017 Publisher ...

Der Ritter in der rostenden Rüstung : Ein inspirierendes Märchen für Erwachsene (3926789301)

Dieser Kult-Bestseller aus den USA verblüfft mit seiner ironisch-poetischen Anti-Macho-Melodie und stellt die streitbare These auf, dass wir im 21. Jahrhundert die Liebe in Eisen gelegt haben. Der "Ritter in der rostenden Rüstung" macht da weiter, wo unser 'Grimmscher Eisenhans' aufgehört hat: nicht nur die eisernen Korsettstangen der Gesellschaft verhindern, dass wir frei durchs Leben gehen, nein, es ist unser innerer Schutzanzug, der uns am Leben hindert. Product details Format Paperback | 93 pages Dimensions 131 x 203 ...

Pirate Chains : Strong tides (1726436942)

A chain and a collar can restrain a man, but the innocence of an angel breaks the devil. Once upon a time, there was a nobleman and Nyx was his name. He was respectful, principled, and handsome. The young man owned several ships and managed his late-father's fishing business. He spent the past few years doing nothing but taking care of his mother and older sister, and struggling to deal with the selfishness of his stepfather. One day, the fates threw him into a dangerous predicament and he found himself being saved by the devil. Agenor, Captain of the Martina pirate crew. Strong and ruthless, Agenor was known across the sea as 'the Devil'. At their first encounter, Agenor couldn't help but be enchanted by the innocent angel. Drawn to him, he entrapped him and abused him. He didn't listen to Nyx's pleas and repeatedly denied him escape. This story depicts Nyx's adventure as he struggled to live among pirates, avoided their bullying and harassment, and d...

Database Internals : A Deep-Dive Into How Distributed Data Systems Work (9781492040347)

When it comes to choosing, using, and maintaining a database, understanding its internals is essential. But with so many distributed databases and tools available today, it's often difficult to understand what each one offers and how they differ. With this practical guide, Alex Petrov guides developers through the concepts behind modern database and storage engine internals. Throughout the book, you'll explore relevant material gleaned from numerous books, papers, blog posts, and the source code of several open source databases. These resources are listed at the end of parts one and two. You'll discover that the most significant distinctions among many modern databases reside in subsystems that determine how storage is organized and how data is distributed. This book examines: Storage engines: Explore storage classification and taxonomy, and dive into B-Tree-based and immutable Log Structured storage engines, with differences and use-cases for each Storage building block...